Started in 1973 by Robert Abbott & Art Stange with two Bridgeports, Abbott Tool has been serving the local area for over 50 years. Abbott Tool is the culmination of experience and industrial know-how, derived from a strong cornerstone of past leadership between Robert Abbott, Arthur Stange and Leonard Livecchi. Their efforts in establishing a well maintained organization ensures a secure and long term working relationship with customers. The keen sense of judgment in choosing a diversified mix of management and machining expertise has led to a well-organized team consisting of Owner/President Karle Stange, General Manager Kevin Webb, Plant Manager Garland Scarberry, and Office manager Heather Vicary.
Abbott takes pride in serving a diverse cross-section of industrial and commercial based businesses. Our highly skilled workforce, combined with our apprenticeship program, and a full-time inspector—to ensure all quality and dimensional tolerances are held—provides our customers with quality and service they can rely on.
The customer’s requirements drive Abbott Tools acquisitions of new equipment and tooling; meeting demands in the ever-changing shop environment, whether it be today or tomorrow Abbott is always looking for ways to further improve machining capabilities for all their customers.